Logo of "the vicarage by the sea" celebrating its 25th anniversary, featuring an illustration of two people standing at an open door looking out to the sea, symbolizing support for individuals living with dementia.

Daily Life & Activities

The Vicarage offers a wide range of activities for our residents’ diverse interests. Twice a week, residents can venture out in our wonderful van and explore the local community. Trips out for lunch, to visit parks, and to explore museums and other community offerings are always fun.

In addition, The Vicarage hosts various performers throughout the week. There are musical performers, Kara, our yoga instructor and Myrna, our chaplain, who share time with our residents.

Finally, Heather, our activities coordinator, always has something up her creative sleeve. She offers activities throughout the week catering to the varying interests and abilities of our residents. Time in our gardens, outdoors walking or just sitting on the deck overlooking Casco Bay, is time cherished.

Myrna Koonce, Chaplain

Walk the Freedom Trail

(Footsteps can be heard as the camera takes you on a first-person perspective walking tour down the “Freedom Trail” at Vicarage by the Sea.)