Logo of "the vicarage by the sea" celebrating its 25th anniversary, featuring an illustration of two people standing at an open door looking out to the sea, symbolizing support for individuals living with dementia.

Category: Testimonials

The patio at the Vicarage, overlooking the bay

A Testimonial from Kim Heist

My father spent the last few months of his life at the Vicarage. I only wish we’d found this amazing place sooner. He had been living in a fairly large “retirement village,” which attempted to support him but did not come close to providing the caring and connection that the Vicarage was able to bring to his life in a very short time.

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Yellow rose blooming against a wooden trellis with a siding background.

Where yellow roses still bloom in November

It’s long past summer, but there are yellow roses blooming in Harpswell near Curtis Cove in the yard of The Vicarage by the Sea, where Henry now resides.

Yellow roses are considered a symbol of friendship, and a way to bring a little sunshine to someone whose life has become a bit cloudy.

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